. . . for the future we want
Welcome to KayPacha,
a Quechua word meaning
“Middle World”—
the here & now,
the human realm we all share.
In the Andean worldview, KayPacha symbolizes our potential and invites us to awaken to the beauty and interconnectedness of life. It calls us to live in harmony with Mother Earth and all beings, embracing Sumak Kawsay—The Good Living—a way of being that fosters unity, balance, and collective well-being.
Each of my events, projects, items for purchase aim to support the many ways we can each make a penetrable impact for a more conscious, compassionate world:
Exploring the Self – Who am I, and how do I connect to the world around me?
What Can I Do? – How can we create positive change in our communities and beyond? (Advocacy & Awareness)
How Can I Support? – Ways to contribute, nurture, and participate in the journey of transformation. (Shop)
Sign up for my newsletter on ways to connect, collaborate, and share in this collective experience.
Events – Exploring the Self
Shop – How Can I Support?
Advocacy & Awareness – What Can I Do?
About Me
Welcome! My name is Mitzy Clementina and I am a proud lineage keeper of my Quechua and Aymara ancestry and a spiritual seeker at heart. It has sustained me and saved me throughout many chapters of my life and so it feels natural for me that my work should focus on how these ancient spiritual practices can heal our modern mind. We are all living in the most difficult chapter of this human existence that is simultaneously sparking our awakening. Ancient prophecies throughout many traditions reinforce this and this call is for all of us now.
In my journey with other ancestral traditions, I have found that ancestral wisdom speaks the language of who we already are and endures today because of this.
My calling is to guide others through the processes that can remove the barriers clouding a natural ability to connect with spiritual messages. All of our ancestors once carried this ability but it is not lost. The simple concepts of the Andean Cosmovision teach us that we already come with all the tools to carry out our own healing. This is Re-membering process and this is the birthright that belongs to all of us.