KayPacha is a Quechua word that means 
Middle World. It represents the here and now.
It is one of the 3 realms that we are connected to and can use to co-create our reality.

Hanaqpacha – Upper World
Kaypacha – Middle World
Ukupacha – Lower World

According to the ancient wisdom of the Andean peoples, KayPacha carries an invitation that regardless of 
our circumstance, upbringing, traumas,  we are born with the tools to not just carry out our own healing but to also live in balance & harmony with Mother Earth and in symbiosis with all things.
We are living in a extraordinary times that many regard as “a great awakening.” Lineages throughout all of the America’s are no strangers to this. They have guarded ancient prophecies that speak of this very time where the fate of humanity is at stake and in our hands. 
What lies before us, then, is an opportunity to reconnect and to”re-member” ourselves with an ancient wisdom that speaks the language of who we already are.
When we save ourselves we save humanity.

February 2024 Update

Dear Sacred Travelers,
At this time, I am not taking on new individual mentorships.
There are still many ways to follow my work and to share in medicine. Be sure to sign up for my newsletter below for updates on group medicine work (in-person & online) and for other resources/projects I am working on. 
As many of you know, I really enjoy hearing from the community. Feel free to continue to share where you are and what you are navigating. These help create the right events to support this wonderful community. 
~ Mitzy Clementina

What can this wisdom offer you?

• Learn how ancient Andean principles can shift your level of self-acceptance, and relationship with others.

• Learn to identify emotional, mental blockages and how to clear them.

• Develop, enhance, or rebuild your own unique spiritual identity.

• Learn tools to connect and trust the guidance of your inner self.

• Discover the ways we can create right relationship with all things around us and why it matters.

Ready to learn more?

Take a look at My Current Work >


About Me

Welcome! My name is Mitzy Clementina and I am a proud keeper of my Andean lineage and a seeker.  It has sustained me and saved me throughout many chapters of my life and so it feels natural for me that my work should focus on how these ancient spiritual practices can heal our modern mind. We are all living in the most difficult chapter of this human existence that is simultaneously sparking our awakening. Ancient prophecies such as the Eagle and Condor reinforce this but this call is for all of us now.

In my journey with other ancestral traditions, I have found that ancestral wisdom speaks the language of who we already are and endures today because of this.

My calling is to guide others through the processes that can remove the barriers clouding a natural ability to connect with spiritual messages. All of ur ancestors once carried this ability but it is not lost. The simple concepts of ancestral traditions teach us that we already come with all the tools to carry out our own healing. This is Re-membering process and this is the birthright that belongs to all of us.

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