Digital Replay Available

1 Hour Online Gathering Time

  • 2 pm New York
  • 7 pm UK
  • 8 pm Paris
  • 11 am California

Gathering With The Moon
New Moon

The Message: Sacred Activism + Protection + Realignment

Make no mistake on what 2025 will bring. While we are already seeing signs of chaos and injustice, we do not have to be walk this path alone or with fear. We have allies and spiriritual energy we can draw into our field to remind us how powerful we are and that we are prepared for this.

For many spiritual leaders, 2025 signals the end of the Lone Wolf and a welcoming of the sacred pack. On January 13th, we gathered online to bring in the wolf, a Shamanic Journey to become the wolf and call in the qualities you need. 

Now with the energy of the New Moon (a time for intentions), we work with the energy of Aquarius + Sacred Snake to activate power, protection, and the perpetual shedding to witness ourselves as an emboldened self, and a Sacred Activist. 

In this online space, we invite the existing paradigm-shifting energy to help us gently release resistance and call in your personal snake to activate what is needed for you. 

This winter, embrace the opportunity for transformation and embodiment with the Snake. Step into the new year with clarity, strength, and a renewed foundation that supports your soul’s journey. All are welcome!

Bring your medicine to share and come to connect in community.

The Medicine: Shamanic Drum & Guided Visioning for Messages

With Shamanic Drum, guided visioning, and song, we will vision together for messages that help the individual journey and the collective. The space will open for shares and conversation on what the Snake brings each of us as we officially cut ties no longer serving + activate power.

About this Group

This group draws participants from all over the world (Mexico, USA, Canada, Spain, India, and UK)

Each circle averages 7 to 12 participants.

Healers welcome! This is a supportive and curious space for all those interested in the animistic medicine of Andean Tradition and seeking support in their spiritual journey.