Rite of the Womb

Saturday, June 26, 2021 12:30 – 4:30 pm


The Womb is Not a Place to Store Fear and Pain.

The Womb is to Create and Give Birth to Life.

Marcela Lobos – Medicine Woman

Thousands of years ago, the feminine divine was silenced, cast into the shadows, but the tides have changed and the era of the feminine divine has been heralded in, it has arrived, to remind us that it is time to take our rightful place.

This initiation is delivered by a lineage of women who have freed themselves from the cycle of suffering and who invite you to remember that you have not come here to suffer; you have come here to create.

Are you ready to step into the lineage of women who are free?

Come and share in this beautiful day where we join our collective feminine force to heal and re-empower our sacred wombs.

Meet like-minded women, some of who are bringing their gifts of Qigong, Reiki, and more to share.

What to Expect:

In this event, we will explore our relationship with our womb. This is a place we carry our emotional strain but it also carries our gifts of creation and life.

This event will include a Water Ceremony, where our bodies will be cleansed with water, healing herbs, and oils.

Receive the Rite of the Womb, an initiation making you a Wombkeeper– a gift you will then be able to pass onto other wombs from here on after, freeing others from the slavery of pain and suffering.

If this event calls to you and you have a special healing gift to raise our collective healing, please contact me. This event is open to all those wishing to participate and share their healing gifts alike.

My beautiful friend, Didi Witchard, will offer a gift of a Qigong practice to connect to our feminine energy and there will be other gifts of energy as well. Come and share in this energy exchange of women.

If you have a gift to share please send me a note at mitzy@kaypacha.net or just come prepared to share! We welcome you and thank you.

What to Bring:
Please bring a towel and feel free to include a change of clothing suitable to your needs. Suggestions would include bathing suits, shorts, tee-shirts, etc.
• Bring any objects sacred to you that you want to be empowered by the altar
• There will be lite fare provided (strawberries, berries, coconut dates, coconut water, popcorn, trail mix, coconut water, vegan cacao blitz balls). This event will have a lunch break. Feel free to bring any additional sustenance you need for yourself or to share.
• Notebook & Pen
• Water or beverages as needed

About the Location:

The healing space is a block off of Main Street and a 20-minute walk from the Beacon Metro-North train or a 5 minute Uber/Lyft ride to the location through scenic Main Street. With your RSVP, you will receive the exact address and additional details about the event!

Register Now!

Saturday, June 26 @ 12:30 – 4:30 pm EDT

Ayni (Payment Exchange): $50.00 USD

Send via PayPal to: mitzy@kaypacha.net or Venmo: mitzy-bautista or bring cash

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