Releasing Emotional Blocks

Andean Healing Ceremony + Icaros

Friday, December 16, 7:00 pm – 9 pm EST ZOOM

Ayni Exchange: $30

The stars and moon are aligning for us to welcome the emotional transitions our souls may be yearning for. In the natural world, the Last Quarter moon phase is the most supporting time for our emotional transformations.

In this healing ceremony, we align ourselves with this energy and the medicine of the Andean Cosmovision to connect you in a vivid Shamanic Journey to answer:

What does the Universe want me to know, release, and embrace?

With chants and Icaros, we will bring the unconscious to the conscious realm with love, support, and a healing opportunity to alchemize our wounds into treasure.

Come and collect the treasures waiting for you.

How to Prepare:

Sign up for additional preparation for this healing event.

What to bring:
For this healing space, bring anything that offers you comfort. To enhance your healing experience consider:
* A lit candle
* Paper & pen
* Eye covering for journeys
* Optional: flowers or rose petals, rose water or extract of any flower
* Optional: Any sacred stones/objects you wish to carry the imprint of this healing moving forward.

Friday, December 16 @ 7:00 pm – 9 pm EST

Ayni (Payment Exchange): $30.00 USD

Wish to attend but experiencing financial barriers? Click Here


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