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Full Moon Healing

Sunday, January 8, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm EST ZOOM

This Full Moon we set the pace for something a little different than what has been for us before now. Many within the lineaged communities and esoterics express another year for deep spiritual transitioning.

If you have been feeling the growing pains of this spiritual transition longer than you thought possible, there is good news for you.

We are all on this bumpy spiritual ride together but how we ride these slopes is up to us. Some of us are riding on whatever wood debris we hastily picked up at the beginning of our journey. Others of us have made a sled with soft pine & cushions and others still have over-collected “treasures” that have turned into baggage.

Just because the road is bumpy doesn’t mean you can’t travel more comfortably.

You’ve been on this road long enough now without sustenance. Great Spirit is here to tell you there are resources now to upgrade your situation.

In honor of this energy, our Full Moon Ceremony will focus on what you need to access this including:

  • Calling in stronger spiritual boundaries,
  • Integrate lessons and gems of 2022
  • Releasing what no longer serves
  • Planting a new seed that can germinate long term.

What to expect:

There is a significant power in collective healing and when structured correctly, it can bring transformative shifts and recognition of our healing power toward others. As we heal the stronger our ability to heal others becomes.

Proposed Itinerary:

Opening Sacred Space & Setting Collective Intention for Healing

Introductions: Hello, I am the child of _____parentage/ancestry.

What do I believe I am trying to heal?

The forces in our favor (Moon, Stars, Ancestors) this year, and what are the new resources that can seriously upgrade our healing journey?

Shamanic Healing Journey – what am I prepared to accept/receive/relinquish/fight for?

Integration: Optional individual shares


• Sage/Palo Santo (Please energetically cleanse your space however you see fit before we begin)

• Lit candle (optional: safety first)

• Healing stone or glass of water

• Notebook & Pen

• Water or beverage

Sunday, January 8 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm EST

Suggested Donation Options

Exchange or Other Payment Method? Please email me at



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