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Experimenting with the Moon

New Moon

Wednesday, December 21, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST ZOOM

Future Gathering Dates:

2023 Moon dates coming soon!

While attendance is free of charge, if you are able, please consider a donation to support this work.

Donations to Paypal – or Venmo – @mitzy-bautista

Welcome. This is an online community to observe, share, and document our personal experiences with the Full Moon and New Moon transitions.

Come and share what works in your personal practice or invite the support you need to see what moon medicine has in store for you.

Sign up to attend live or receive a recording for your personal Moon Practice

Our moon practices are ultimately about inviting self-care and stepping into our personal power through conscious petitioning to prepare our unconscious mind for transformation.

I invite you to this experiential group where we aim to simply document the answers to these 2 questions between now and the end of 2022.

  1. How do I feel during each Moon phase? An opportunity to deepen this question:
    • In which phase am I the most active or tired?
    • What do I notice about myself during each phase?
    • How do I manage my self-care?
  2. What did I learn? An opportunity to deepen this question:
    • As I observed myself, what was the most surprising thing I learned about myself?
    • What did I learn about how I feel during each phase and what changes can I make?
    • What can I learn about the intentions I set for myself?

There will always be additional instructions or reflection points for each circle.

What to Expect:

Together we gather to prepare for the Full/New Moon’s release and intention setting. We create a collective healing container, outside of space and time, to update our energetic codes so the latest version of who we are can show up in our personal moon practice.

This event will be recorded and available for 3 days after the event to support your personal practice.

Gathering Dates:

October 25 – New Moon Monday 7:00pm EDT

November 6 – Full Moon Sunday 6:00pm EDT

November 21 – New Moon Monday 7:00pm EDT

December 5 – Full Moon Monday 7:00pm EDT

December 21 – New Moon Wednesday 7:00pm EDT



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